Blog | Julie Neu

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The Blog


July 16, 2024 | Creativity

Creative Play Newsletter – Create Your Identity

Nearly a decade ago, I went through an identity crisis. At the time, I decided that I would make myself a quilt for my birthday using 40 pieces of cherished purple batiks.. I also decided that I would make it represent me in some way, other than just having the …

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June 14, 2024 | Creativity

How Have You Failed Today?

I went to a conference last week where the keynote speaker was Dr. Sarah Lewis, Harvard professor and author of The Rise: Creativity, the Gift of Failure, and the Search for Mastery. In her talk, she shared that the parents of Sarah Blakely, billionaire CEO and founder of Spanx, asked …

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May 10, 2024 | Creativity

Creative Play Newsletter – Creativity and Leadership

I have written a lot in these newsletters about my creativity journey and about how to reignite your creativity and keep it burning brightly. I’ve written about how rediscovering my creativity was my path to uncovering my authentic voice. What I haven’t written about here, but have started talking about …

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April 12, 2024 | Creativity , Inspiration

Creative Play Newsletter – Happy Spring!

I’ve written before about the Seasons of Creativity (which don’t necessarily line up with the actual seasons). There’s the Summer of Productivity where your creative fire is burning brightly and you are just churning out work. Next comes the Fall when things start to mellow a bit and settle into …

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February 8, 2024 | Creativity

Creative Play Newsletter – Your Own Journey

I have written a lot over the years in this newsletter about my own creativity journey. I’ve shared the arc of my journey through the discovery of play and finding my voice to settling in to a comfortable relationship with that voice and with being an artist. But I know …

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January 20, 2024 | Creativity

Resolved – Play More

I write a regular(ish) newsletter on LinkedIN that is focused more on creativity at work and I thought I would share the one I just posted. Read it on LinkedIN or below: One of the things that popped into my podcast feed this month was a TED Radio Hour episode …

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January 14, 2024 | Creativity , Inspiration

Creative Play Newsletter – Feeling Inspired

I can feel very drained this time of year. We’re through the big push for the holidays, and because I usually get sick after finishing the holiday rush, I am also usually recuperating from something as January begins. (Yes, it was a COVID Christmas at our house.) Plus, our New …

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December 14, 2023 | Creativity

Creative Play Newsletter – Thwarted Journeys

I have been having some crazy dreams lately and I don’t know why. (I haven’t been drinking, so that’s not it.) But, my dreams this week have all had an interesting theme – thwarted journeys. I’ve been with a pirate who was the sole remaining crew member when his galleon …

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December 9, 2023 | Cyanotypes

Latest in the Cyanotypes Series

Cyanotype work continued this week with this 5×7 piece. I cut this section out of a larger cyanotype on fabric that looked just like a big mass of blooms since this was the section with the most definition. It got some background quilting to emphasize the flower images a little …

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