The challenge I am working on this month is fitting a creative practice into an already busy schedule. I have had the luxury of time over the last few years and that time has been invaluable as I have explored my voice as an artist, worked in series, and hung my first solo exhibit. But, a month ago I started a new full-time non-art job. I’ve gone from spending my days in my studio wearing jeans to racing out of the house before anyone else in my family, dressed in a business suit, to commute to an office. It’s a great change and one that I am happy about (especially when I sit down to pay my bills), but it is still a change and I am adjusting.
Plan A for my creative practice was to get up an hour early each morning to work in my studio before beginning the morning rush. I set up a tea station on my ironing board with my water boiler and my mug and I’ve been pleasantly surprised that getting out of bed has been the easy part. Where I am struggling though is that I’m not feeling very creative before the tea has kicked in and I also don’t want to use the machine while my daughter sleeps in the room next door. So, I have ended up using the time to send emails and do my paperwork, which, while important, does not seem like it’s worth getting up early for. I’ll be spending some time in the coming weeks coming up with Plan B, but I don’t have one yet. I know this is a problem common to artists and if I figure anything out, I will certainly share it. I hope that you are finding plenty of time for your art this month!

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