I have gotten started sewing Arabesque #2. I have to say that it has been far easier to sew than I expected, but was still a good lesson in knowing when to quit. I started sewing it on Wednesday of last week and by Thursday, I had the center section done except for two pieces. I was amazed that it came together that quickly. When I designed the quilt, I thought, “I have no idea how I am going to sew this!” and I was preparing my store of expletives for the sewing process. Amazingly, I didn’t need them…until Friday.
Fridays are supposed to be my play days, but on Friday, with just two pieces left to sew, I decided to push on and just get it done. You can guess how it turned out. I sewed in the final patch, put the top up on the design wall, and saw that I still had a hole to fill. “Did I miss a piece?” I wondered as went back to the pattern. Ah, no. The piece was a trapezoid with one side longer than the other and I had put it in backwards. So, I pulled it out and started again. The second time around didn’t go any better, however, so I decided that it was time to walk away and I am glad that I did.
I came back to Arabesque #2 today, picked out the last patch and laid the template on top of it to remark the corner dots. Lo and behold! The patch was 1/4″ longer than the template AT THE POINT! No wonder it didn’t fit! I don’t know where my brain was on Friday, but clearly I should have been playing instead of doing serious work and giving up until today was a very smart move. So, after a few days rest, here’s the center part of Arabesque #2 with just the final border to go.